Gas Logs

Gas logs create beautiful ambience without the work of other solutions.

While some prefer the traditional wood-burning fireplace, gas logs eliminate the need to give your hearth constant attention. Gas logs are also a virtually maintenance-free heat source since they involve no cleanup or fuel prep.

Gas Logs Can Be Very Cost-Effective.

We can install gas logs in a preexisting flameproof area such as a fireplace or manufactured firebox! Gas logs also eliminate the need for storing wood as they burn propane or natural gas.

We Offer Vented And Vent-Free Options.

When shopping for gas logs, you’ll need to choose vented or vent-free logs. This decision comes down to several factors, such as looks, efficiency, and local building code. If you are curious about difference between vented and vent-free Gas Logs, read our article that discusses this very subject.

Gas Logs Offer Two Different Fuels.

Our gas log sets work with liquid propane or natural gas as a fuel source. At least one of these fuel sources should be available in your area. If you need help determining which fuel source you might have access to, read our gas log insert article that discusses the difference between these two fuel sources.

We Are Here To Help.

If you live in Virginia and you are unsure what is the best setup for your home, contact us, and our team members can help you determine the best fuel type for your home and gas log set.